











































"Odejście Prof. Andrzeja Tomaszewskiego pogrążyło w smutku społeczność konserwatorów związanych z Instytutem Zabytkoznawstwa i Konserwatorstwa UMK w Toruniu.
Profesor Tomaszewski pozostanie w naszej pamięci jako osoba niezwykle oddana idei ochrony zabytków, działająca na arenie międzynarodowej, odnosząca sukcesy na płaszczyźnie dialogu międzykulturowego.
Środowisko konserwatorskie poniosło bolesną stratę.
W imieniu Instytutu Zabytkoznawstwa i Konserwatorstwa Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu składam Rodzinie ś.p. Prof. Andrzeja Tomaszewskiego, Jego Przyjaciołom i Uczniom wyrazy szczerego współczucia!"
dr ha. Elżbieta Basiul, dyr. IZK 

To the Polish national committee of ICOMOS: 
"Dear Sirs,
ICOMOS Finnish National Committee hereby sends its deepest condolences on the sudden death of Prof. Andrzej Tomaszewski and would like to share the feeling of the loss of a great man. 
Be assured that his life and work in the field of heritage conservation and in the activities of ICOMOS, will not only remain in our memory, but also in the collective memory of the thinking and ideas that carry the conservation practice on to the future.
On behalf of the whole ICOMOS Finnish national committee."
Kirsti Kovanen 

"Z głębokim smutkiem i żalem przyjęliśmy wiadomość o śmierci Profesora dr. hab. Inż. arch. Andrzeja Tomaszewskiego - światowej sławy uczonego, wybitnego znawcy problematyki ochrony zabytków, wieloletniego Dyrektora ICCROM, Przewodniczącego Polskiego Komitetu ICOMOS, Generalnego Konserwatora Zabytków RP. 
Odejście Profesora jest niepowetowaną stratą dla środowiska konserwatorskiego oraz kultury polskiej i europejskiej. Postać i dokonania Profesora pozostaną na zawsze w naszej pamięci. 
Prosimy o przyjęcie wyrazów najgłębszego współczucia. 
Dyrekcja i Pracownicy 
Muzeum Historycznego Miasta Krakowa 

"Members of ICOMOS Indonesia join with associates around the world to send condolences on the loss of our distinguished colleague and friend."
Frances B. Affandy for ICOMOS Indonesia 


"Szanowni Państwo, 
z wielkim smutkiem dowiedziałam się o jakże niespodziewanej śmierci Prof. Andrzeja Tomaszewskiego. Był nie tylko, w pewnym sensie, wychowankiem mojego Ojca, ale i wielkim Jego przyjacielem. A mnie bardzo serdecznie wspomagał po Jego śmierci ( pomagał w wyborze i współredagował pośmiertny tomik esejów pt. O Dziedzictwie Kultury). Przepiękne były wspomnienia Prof. Andrzeja Tomaszewskiego o długich latach znajomości z Ojcem opowiedziane z okazji wybrania Go laureatem Nagrody im. Aleksandra Gieysztora, ustanowionej przez Fundację im. Leopolda Kronenberga i 7 września br. w Wilanowie Jego wspomnień czasów studenckich na wieczorze poświęconym pamięci mojego Ojca, patrona ulicy w tej Dzielnicy."
Będzie bardzo mi brakowało Prof. Andrzeja Tomaszewskiego
Ewa Gieysztor 

"Szanowni Państwo,
Z wielką przykrością przyjęliśmy wiadomość o śmierci prof. Andrzeja Tomaszewskiego. Zawsze serdecznie wspomagał nas w pracy dla środowiska. Ostatnio 6 września w czasie wieczoru poświęconego pamięci Aleksandra Gieysztora. 
Pozostanie w naszej serdecznej pamięci."
Zofia T. Kozłowska
Wiceprezes Polskiego Towarzystwa Historycznego 

"Estimados compańeros de ICOMOS: 
En nombre del Comite Venezolano de ICOMOS, queremos expresar a los familiares del Professor Andrzej Tomaszewski y al Comite de Icomos Polonia nuestro pesar por su fallecimiento. Es una lamentable perdida para la institución y la disciplina de la conservación, a la que tanto contribuyó con su aporte como investigador y docente. Estamos seguros que su figura y legado permanecere vigente como un referente para las generaciones de relevo."
Francisco Perez Gallego
Presidente Comite Venezolano de Icomos 

"Dear Prof. Boguslaw Szmygin,
President of Polish National Committee of ICOMOS
I am deeply grieved and shocked of unexpected death of Prof. Andrzej Tomaszewski.
I have been cooperating with Him at ICOMOS international work.
We often discussed about monument conservation and problems in Poland and Lithuania.
I admired his personality and had always a good reliable friend.
I ask you to convey my sincere condolences to Prof. Tomaszewskis Family and colleagues of Polish National Committee of ICOMOS."
Yours sincerely
prof. Jonas Glemza,
Member of Lithuanian National Committee of ICOMOS

"Dear Boguslaw Szmygin,
The members of ICOMOS TURKEY express to you, to all of the colleagues of ICOMOS POLAND and especially to Prof.Tomaszewki's family their sincere condolescences. 
We all know that it is a great loss for ICOMOS..."
Sincerely yours,

"To all our colleagues of ICOMOS Committees,
It was with great shock and sadness that we learned from our friend and colleague Boguslaw Szmygin, President of ICOMOS Poland, at the very beginning of meetings of the Advisory Committee in Dublin, the sudden death of our esteemed friend and mentor Andrzej Tomaszewski, past President of ICOMOS Poland and of the International Committee on Training and current President of the International Committee on Theory of Conservation. Like our late colleague Robin Letellier, he died while doing what he most loved and believed in - sharing experience, knowledge and ideas on the conservation of monuments and heritage site with colleagues from all generations and horizons and with students. 
In the name of ICOMOS Canada colleagues who have had the opportunity to meet and exchange with our departed colleague Andrzej, we'd like to address our most sincere and hearthfelt condolences to his family and relatives, to ICOMOS Poland and to all ICOMOS colleagues and friends. May his generous comitment to pluralism and humanism in conservation inspire us for long." 
Dinu Bumbaru C.M.
President, ICOMOS Canada 

"Dear friends and colleagues,
With great sorrow we learned of the death of Prof Andrzej Tomaszewski, the great professional in the conservation field.
We would like to express our most sincere condolences to the family of Prof Tomaszewski and to all colleagues from ICOMOS Poland.
We are deeply convinced that the contribution and the professional attitudes of Prof Tomaszewski will continue to be an integral part in the future activities of ICOMOS International community."
Branka Sekaric
President of the ICOMOS Serbia National Committee 

"To the family of Mr. Tomaszewski and ICOMOS Poland members,
Dear Ms. Tomaszewsky,
In this very sad moment for your family and Poland ICOMOS friend, all ICOMOS Macedonia members are with you."
Zoran Pavlov,MA
ICOMOS Macedonia 

"Dear my Polish fiend and family of my friend Andrzej,
I am with you in this very sad moment."

Dr. Lazar Sumanov
First and Honorary President of ICOMOS Macedonia
Ex-ICOMOS Executive Com. Member
Ex-ICCROM Council member 

"Estimados compańeros del ICOMOS
A nombre de los miembros del Comite colombiano, expresamos nuestras sentidas condolencias por la perdida del Profesor Tomaszewski. A la familia del Profesor y al comite de Polonia, les hacemos llegar nuestro mas celido abrazo de afecto y solidaridad, recordendoles que la labor del Profesor, a traves de su saber y enseńanzas, continuare cumpliendo su tarea formadora e inspiradora hacia el futuro. De toda nuestra consideración."
Maria Claudia Romero
Comite Colombiano ICOMOS 

"To our colleagues at ICOMOS Poland, ICOMOS Philippine Committee mourns the passing of Professor Tomaszewski, truly a pillar in the ICOMOS Community."
Augusto Villalon 

"Dear friends,
We express our condolences to our colleagues at ICOMOS Poland for the immense loss of their friend and recognized expert Professor Andrzej Tomaszewski."
Vjekoslava Sankovic Simcic

Dear Boguslaw,
Dear friends in ICOMOS Poland.
The news about the sudden death of Andrzej Tomaszewski hit me and all ICOMOS Czech memebrs deeply. He was so full of life, intellectual power and sense of humor leading the ISCTC conference in Cesky Krumlov this May that he enjoyed so much.He belonged to great friends of my country whose difficult language he learnt to speak fluently and whose heritage he loved and studied as an internationally reputed scientist and researcher in the field of history and architecture. His death is a terrible loss for all of us. He is irreplaceable as initiator and good spirit of the ISC for Theory of Conservation as well as organizer and author of excellent, highly inspiring contributions he had on its international conferences. He remains in our memory as a great personality in the worlds heritage preservation movement, always devoted friend and a good kind man.
On behalf of ICOMOS Czech and a numerous group of Andrzej's Czech friends I express our deep condolence to ICOMOS Poland. Please, tell our deep concern also to Andrzej's family.
Yours sincerely,
Josef Stulc,
President of ICOMOS Czech 


"Profesor był dla mnie przykładem wielkiego taktu i kultury. Myślę, że Jego elegancji będzie nam brakować."
Szczerze ubolewając,
Małgorzata Włodarczyk 

"ICOMOS Georgia expresses deep condolences to ICOMOS Poland and entire ICOMOS community on the sudden death of the highly committed professional, Professor Andrjej Tomaszewski."
Merab Bochoidze
ICOMOS Georgia 

"Z głębokim żalem przyjęłam wiadomość o śmierci Profesora. 
Odszedł od nas wspaniały człowiek, znakomity mówca, fachowiec...
Ciągle jeszcze słyszę jego piękne i mądre słowa, jakie wygłaszał na tych kilku wykładach o teorii konserwacji, na których miałam okazję być. 
Głęboki humanizm i wielka kultura osobista, zawsze będzie dla mnie synonimem klasy tych najlepszych z nas-prof. Zofii Zarębskiej i prof. Andrzeja Tomaszewskiego.
Przesyłam wszystkim Przyjaciołom i Rodzinie Profesora słowa pociechy i nadziei na rychłe spotkanie w nowym wspaniałym świecie, gdzie jak zawsze będziemy wspierać polską szkołę konserwacji zabytków."
Jolanta Sroczyńska, Kraków 

"Szanowni Państwo, proszę przyjąć wyrazy głębokiego współczucia z powodu nagłej śmierci pana profesora Andrzeja Tomaszewskiego. 
Był nie tylko wyróżniającą się indywidualnością, wielkim badaczem, ale i wspaniałym, głodnym życia człowiekiem. 
Bez jego Osobowości i Postaci środowisko nasze będzie na pewno bardziej szare.
Wielka to strata dla nas wszystkich."
Leszek Kajzer. 

"Ogromna strata. 
Odszedł nie tylko wybitny naukowiec, ale i wspaniały, życzliwy wszystkim Człowiek."
Malgorzata Wołodźko 

"W związku z bardzo smutną wiadomością o śmierci Profesora, dołączam się do wyrazów współczucia ze wszystkimi, którzy podobnie jak boleśnie odczuwają tę stratę."
Aleksander Bohm 

"Wielce Szanowne Koleżanki i Koledzy,
ta nad wyraz smutna wiadomość o śmierci Pana Prof. Andrzeja Tomaszewskiego, dotarła do mnie w czasie mego pobytu rekonwalescencyjnego w Sanatorium Akademickim w Zakopanem. 
Łączę się z Wami w wielkim żalu i smutku. Tym większym, iż jako początkujący profesor już nigdy nie zobaczę promiennego uśmiechu Profesora ani nie usłyszę cennej rady. 
A przecież sama ledwie uszłam śmierci w wakacyjnym wypadku samochodowym. 
To była być może zapowiedź faktu,że zbliża się czas pożegnań."
Z wyrazami głębokiego szacunku i akademickim pozdrowieniem 
arch. Joanna Olenderek prof. PŁ 

"Z wielkim smutkiem przyjąłem wiadomość o śmierci Prof. Andrzeja Tomaszewskiego. 
Drogi Andrzeju, będzie nam Ciebie bardzo brakowało."
Piotr Dobosz (Kraków) 

"Dear Boguslaw, Dear Friends of ICOMOS Poland,
The Executive Committee and the entire Advisory Committee, presently gathered in Dublin for our annual meetings, were deeply grieved and shocked to hear of the sudden death of Prof. Andrzej Tomaszewski in Berlin.
Many of us were looking forward to seeing him here in Dublin and are still trying to come to terms with this very sad news. He was honoured by a minute of silence during both the Executive and Advisory Committee meetings. 
Through his positions as former Conservator General of Poland, former Director of ICCROM, former President of ICOMOS Poland, and current President of the International Scientific Committee on the Theory and Philosophy of Conservation, Prof. Tomaszewski was an eminent pillar of the conservation world in general and ICOMOS in particular. 
We will never forget his enthusiastic and positive nature, and the dedication and energy with which he pursued his activities for ICOMOS right up to the last day. During his many years of active service within ICOMOS, he helped to shape the history of the organization. 

We ask you to please convey our sincere condolences to Prof. Tomaszewski's family and to all his friends and colleagues in Poland. Please let them know that the ICOMOS family shares in their grief at the loss of such a formidable, creative and charming man. 
Our thoughts are with you."

Yours sincerely
Gustavo Araoz
President of ICOMOS 

"I express my deep condolehances for the Professor Andrej Tomaczewsky's death.
He was one of the Father Founders of ICOMOS, one of the columns of the Association; 
he gave enourmous intellectual contribution to the Conservation Theory.
Besides, he was a very good man and friend.
I propose to organize to the care of the Del Bianco's Foundation, 
in Florence where he had lately found a fertile ground for elaborating advancemetns of the Conservation Theory, a Scientific Meeting to commemorate His personality. 
I am ready to cooperate."
Gennaro Tampone 

"In memoriam: Andrzej Tomaszewski
All of us here at the Foundation were truly shocked to hear the sad news of Prof. Andrzej Tomaszewski's death. 
Yesterday we called Boguslaw (Szmygin), Stefan (Wrona and Westrych), Irmela (Spelsberg), Danuta (Klosek-Kozlowska) in the vain hope that we had misunderstood the news, but to no avail. 
We would like to voice our deepest regret and to express our sincere condolences to Prof. Tomaszewki's family, to all the Polish Friends of ICOMOS and to all his colleagues and friends. Our Foundation owes him an immense debt, for which we will be forever grateful, and is determined to keep alive the memory of his intense participation (over 10 years), his outstanding cultural experience and his congenial personality. 
We feel a deep sense of loss, not only because Prof. Tomaszewski acted as a beacon for the Foundation's activities (most recently, in the context of the ICOMOS ISC Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration, but also and above all because we shall miss his humanity and his sparkling personality, which will leave a deep sense of emptiness in our souls. 
We shall endeavour henceforth to pursue his guidance in our work, recalling his extremely valuable lesson and his singular affability in the field of human relationships.

Farewell, dear Andrzej, God Bless you, our love goes with you." 
Paolo Del Bianco
and all the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco's staff 

In memoriam of Professor Andrej Tomaczewsky 
"Dear All,
As I happily flied to Dublin to join my close friends and colleagues, I heard the news that the core member of our ICOMOS Family, also my own mentor and friend, our dear Professor Andrej tomaczewsky has just passed away. I was shocked and saddened by the news. 
It was just in May this year at the Theory and Philosophy ISC Meeting held in Prague, we met and talked like before, and he even accepted an invitation to have a casual visit to China again. 
Life is unpredictable. For the past few days whenever I was alone and think, my mind always lingered back to the face, the smile and sagacious eyes of Professor Andrej Tomaczewsky as if he was just in front of me. I just can not believe and accept the fact that he has left us. 
Our profound friendship dated back to the early nineties in the last century. Since then we shared similar ideals and beliefs. Professor Andrej Tomaczewsky was instrumental in the China's membership of ICCROM while he was the Director of ICCROM. He was always our senior and close partner in the development of ICOMOS. Over the years we have been keeping in touch as colleagues and friends, and ICOMOS Theory Committee even brought us closer. 
To my country or to me personally, Professor Andrej Tomaczewsky was the founding person and the bridge who brought China and Chinese peers to the world. He was always our trustful and best friend. 
Professor Andrej Tomaczewsky was also such a person, kind and loving, an artist of life, a senior brother. He added blessings and meanings to our life and work, whenever being with him. 
Professor Tomaczewsky has left us. I miss him deeply. I wish he will continue to receive my loving thoughts and heartfelt wishes. Wish him rest in peace in the Kingdom of Heaven. 
We should remember him, and continue the cause that he had been dedicated to." 
Guo Zhan
in Dublin 

"We are greatly saddened by the sudden death of Andrzej Tomaszewski , renowned professor of built heritage conservation and former Director of ICCROM.
I have lost another friend, he was one of the best. It hurts. I am deeply saddened."
Peter Waldhaeusl 

"Dear Danuta,
I also send you all my condolences in the loss of Andrezj Tomaszewski. He was a gentleman and very kind in our relationship wen I meet him in diferents meetings." 
Alvaro Gomez & Ferrer Bayo

"Dear Danuta,Dear All
I was proud to consider Andrzej as a friend, since we first met in 1987, in Washington , at the ICOMOS General Assembly. We kept meeting in different places, including at my home, in Jerusalem.
It is a great loss - please convey my condolences to the family and other friends."
Giora Solar

"Dear Danuta, Dear All
I just learned that Professor Andrzej Tomaszewki passed away yesterday from my friend Rosanna Genovese. 
May express to you and to our Polish colleaugues my most sincery condolences..
I have meet many time prof.Tomaszewki in Italy in Conferences and Reports. ICOMOS, and especially ICOMOS Italia, has lost one of its most remarkable active scholar members." 
Prof. Teresa Colletta

"Chere Danuta, Dear friends of ICOMOS POLAND,
J'ai appris la triste nouvelle du rappel a Dieu de notre collegue le professeur Andrzei Tomszewski. Ses grandes competences et sa hauteur de vues ont ete precieuses pour le CIVVH et pour ICOMOS. Je garderais de lui le souvenir d'une presence attentive et sage et de la qualite de son opinion sur nos travaux. Je vous presente toute ma sympathie, mon amitie et vous fais part de mes condoleances.
Bien sincerement a vous, Sincerly yours,"
Francois GONDRAN
Architecte Urbaniste de l'Etat, Architecte des Batiments de France
Service departemental de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine de la Gironde 

"Dear Danuta this is sad news indeed
Am getting my emails late because I am in Chile and the communications do not work very well. I knew him from 22 years back. A real gentleman.
My sincere condolences."
Dr. Ray Bondin
Manager, EU&International Programs, Heritage Malta
Ambassador&Permanent Delegate of Malta to UNESCO 

"Dear Danuta, Dear all
The announcement of the death of Professor Andrezj Tomaszewski on Tuesday morning 26th of October in Dublin was a real shock, not only for me but for all the colleagues in Dublin. 
It was a Savant, very important Teacher and highly respected person for me and I think for all ICOMOS. The absence of his knowledge and cultural spirit is a great loss for the family of ICOMOS.
We will remember him with deep emotion and respect."
My sincere condolences
Sofia Avgerinou Kolonias

"Dear Danuta, Dear All,
I just learned that Professor Andrzej Tomaszewski passed away yesterday, October 27. May I express to you and to our Polish colleagues my most sincere condolences. ICOMOS has lost one of its most remarkable members."
Very sincerely
Michel Bonnette
Vice-president of CIVVIH
Quebec, ICOMOS- Canada 

"Dear Colleagues from CIVVIH,
It was a very sad message I received on Monday 25th of October from Berlin.
I have received it during the opening celebration of my next Postgraduate Studies course at Warsaw University where Professor Andrzej Tomaszewski was lecturing from the beginning. We were working together from the first day of my professional work at the faculty of Architecture, and it is my personal deep suffer - the loss of Professor I shared the faculty room with, what I always considered as a big privilege. 
All we feel a great loss of His unique charm around. 
ICOMOS Poland has lost his great international representative person."
Danuta Kłosek-Kozłowska
Head of Postgraduate Studies 'Protection of Cultural Heritage'
Faculty of Architecture
Warszaw University of Technology 

"We are greatly saddened by the sudden death of Andrzej Tomaszewski, renowned professor of built heritage conservation and former Director of ICCROM. Born in Warsaw, Poland, Prof Tomaszewski graduated from the Warsaw University of Technology with degrees in Art History (1959) and Architecture (1962). He later continued his studies at the University of Poitiers, France, and at the School of the History of Architecture, University of Rome La Sapienza. In 1969, he attended one of the first Architectural Conservation (ARC) courses organized by the Rome Centre (as ICCROM was then called).
Prof Tomaszewski's contribution to the field, and in the development of approaches to restoration philosophy, has been immense. He was Professor and Director of the Institute of History of Architecture and Art at the Warsaw Technical University and lectured at several universities including Berlin and Mainz, Germany. He published widely on art history, architectural conservation, and training, and was member of the UNESCO National Commission of Poland and of the Polish Committees of ICOMOS and ICOM. In 1984, he founded the International Training Committee of ICOMOS (CIF) and remained honorary president.
Andrzej Tomaszewski was elected Director of ICCROM from 1988 to 1992, during a period of political and economic change on the global scene. These shifts impacted the field of cultural heritage and in consequence, ICCROM's activities. During his directorship, Prof Tomaszewski initiated a period of transformation, from changes in the administrative and operational structure of ICCROM to the computerization of the Library and publications department. However, his main focus was on training, or rather, training the trainers. To improve collaboration between trainers and institutions, he regularly organized conferences to facilitate networks. Through his presidency of CIF, ICOMOS and ICCROM also began to work together on this matter. While Director, Prof Tomaszewski also kept close ties with the UNESCO Division of Cultural Heritage and the World Heritage Centre, and continued this collaboration throughout his career. After retiring from ICCROM, he became Conservator-General of the Republic of Poland from 1995 to 1999. He remained an active member of many international and Polish organizations, acting as co-chair of the board of Polish-German art historians, delegate of both the Polish committee for cultural heritage in the Council of Europe and the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, and as President of the ICOMOS International Committee on Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration. He was also involved in several organizations in Italy, such as the European University Centre of Cultural Heritage in Ravello, the Centro Regionale del Recupero di Centri Storici in Reggio Calabria, and the Degree&Profession initiative of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation in Florence.
On behalf of ICCROM I would like to extend my sincerest condolences to his family and colleagues from all over the world. Prof Tomaszewski will always be remembered for having a remarkable influence on the field of conservation of cultural heritage. 
Mounir Bouchenaki
Director-General ICCROM 

" We are greatly saddened by the sudden death of Andrzej Tomaszewski , renowned professor of built heritage conservation and former Director of ICCROM. 
I have lost another friend, he was one of the best. It hurts. I am deeply saddened."
Peter Waldhaeusl 

"Dear Colleagues, dear members of ICOMOS Poland,
It is with deep sorrow that ICOMOS Hungarian National Committee learned of the death of Prof. Andrzej Tomaszewski. On behalf of our Committee, of all it's current and former colleagues who knew, liked and respected Professor Andrzej Tomaszewski, we would like to express our deepest and sincere condolences to his family, and to the Polish National Committee of ICOMOS. We shall keep alive his work and his memory, and we shall do our best to preserve it in a way that the memory of this great expert and teacher as well as his humanitarian personality will never be forgotten by the coming generations too.
Requiescat in Pace"
ICOMOS Hungarian National Committee 

"Szanowni Państwo!!!!
Dołączamy się i my do kondolencji z powodu straty Pana prof. Tomaszewskiego!
Wspaniały człowiek!, wielki żal !!!
Całe szczęście , że Jego dzieło i nasza pamięć sprawi , że non omnis moriar!!!
Agata Nowakowska - Wolak
Towarzystwo Opieki nad Zabytkami/Oddział w Zakopanem 

"Szanowne Koleżanki i Szanowni Koledzy
jestem wstrząśnięty wiadomością o odejściu mego Kolegi i Przyjaciela prof. Andrzeja Tomaszewskiego.
Był wybitnym uczonym, wielokulturowym i wielojęzycznym. Poznałem go bardzo dawno prowadzącego badania w Wiślicy, później w Opatowie i w Zagościu. Miał ogromną łatwość ładnego i mądrego przemawiania.
Był świetnym przewodniczącym obrad i dyskusji w najlepszych gronach krajowych i zagranicznych. Oglądałem go w Rzymie w ICCROM-ie, na zgromadzeniach generalnych ICOMOS, w komitetach wyspecjalizowanych. Potrafił wśród dziesiątków głosów wyłapać te najwłaściwsze i zaproponować treść podsumowania.
Był autorem wielu artykułów z zakresu teorii konserwacji ujmowanych szeroko i przekrojowo, nawiązujących do europejskich, a szczególnie włoskich, francuskich i niemieckich doświadczeń, których był wielkim znawcą.
Nie szybko zjawi się w naszym środowisku Gwiazda tej wielkości jaka wczoraj zgasła.
A był ode mnie młodszy! Będę o Tobie Andrzeju zawsze pamiętał!"
Olgierd Czerner 

"Dziękuję za tę wiadomość. Pogrążyła ona nas, znających Profesora, jako wybitną Osobowość naszego środowiska, w głębokim smutku. Prosimy, o ile to możliwe, o informację, kiedy i gdzie odbędzie się pogrzeb."
Z poważaniem 

"Prosimy Państwa o przyjęcie wyrazów głębokiego współczucia i żalu z powodu śmierci Wybitnego Naukowca, Historyka Architektury,Profesora Politechniki Warszawskiej Andrzeja Tomaszewskiego
Pozostanie w naszej pamięci jako Prawy i Szlachetny Człowiek oraz Wielka Osobowość"
Zbigniew Jan Białkiewicz z Rodziną (Kraków)

"To smutna wiadomość. To wielka strata dla naszego środowiska i dla nas znających Profesora osobiście. 
Z wyrazami współczucia dla najbliższych Profesora"
Anna Majdecka-Strzeżek